Homeopathic Medicine

How Homeopathic Medicine Works?

How Homeopathic Medicine Works?

  • Disease occurs due to disturbance of the energy field of the organism and through development of symptoms in the Mental, Emotional and Physical level.

  • So during taking of patient’s case history a real homeopath takes time to take the symptoms from all three levels of the patient and select medicine which can correct the disease from it’s root and balances the organism. So that after the treatment patient regains his/her lost energy. And experience freeness and Joy of Living.

  • For example it is very wrong approach that if we give medicine on only physical symptoms of the patient. Suppose a patient has developed arthritis and headache problem together with depression from last 4 years and all of it has been developed from last 4 years after some severe grief. And patient has come to us for the treatment of arthritis. In this case if we give partially selected medicine based only on the arthritis symptoms then we are actually suppressing an expression of her total disturbance. In this case her arthritis may reduce but the patient will go to deeper depression and her headache will also increase.